News Releases

WCS Releases First-Ever Video of Extremely Rare Bird on Nest
WCS announced that an international team of biologists made an important discovery, something that had not been seen in more than 40 years: the nest of a globally-endangered Nordmann’s greenshank (Tringa guttifer). 
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New York Aquarium: 10 Locations in NY/NJ Waters To Possibly Spot Whales from Shore


Experts at the New York Aquarium recommend ten locations where people might have the best chance to see a whale from shore–including the roof of its own Ocean Wonders: Sharks!



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Study: Community-based wildlife carcass surveillance is key for early detection of Ebola virus in Central Africa
WCS and NIH (National Institutes of Health) scientists partnered with the Republic of Congo Ministry of Health to develop a low-cost educational outreach program and surveillance system for wildlife mortality that has continued now for over a decade. 
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WCS and Partners Announce: The First High Level Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference In Peru

The Wildlife Conservation Society has joined partners to announce an illegal wildlife trade conference which will take place in Peru Oct. 3 and 4, 2019.

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Concluding Statement from WCS on CITES CoP18

The following statement was issued by the Wildlife Conservation Society at CITES CoP18. Susan Lieberman, vice president of international policy for the Wildlife Conservation Society, presented these remarks in full plenary as CITES CoP18 came to conclusion.

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It was agreed to place 18 additional shark and ray species on Appendix II of CITES. This means that international trade in these species will be regulated, and countries will be incentivized to manage the fisheries for these species to ensure they are sustainable.

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News From WCS Chile: Members needed to help preserve Karukinka -- the biggest protected area on the island of  Tierra del Fuego
WCS Chile is launching its first membership campaign for Karukinka Natural Park in Tierra del Fuego with the goal of establishing a network of 5.000 people committed to this challenge in the next years.
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What happened with sharks, giraffe, saiga, rosewood, glass frogs, elephants and more? 
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WCS Welcomes Madagascar’s New Commitment to Halt Rosewood Trafficking

WCS welcomes Madagascar’s new commitment to halt the trafficking of rosewood species, as the country’s representatives announced at the CITES CoP18 this week.

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A statement was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society on the vital victory for shark and ray conservation at the world wildlife conference being held by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Geneva, Switzerland.

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