News Releases

Health experts from Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo, Primorskya State Agricultural Academy, and Moscow Zoo uncover how distemper may be affecting Siberian (Amur) tigers NEW YORK (September 30, 2011)—A team of Russian veterinary colleagues and health experts from the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo are collaborating to understand how distemper – a virus afflicting domestic dogs and many wildlife species – may be a growing threat to Siberian (Amur) tigers.The team presented it...
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Health experts from WCS’s Bronx Zoo, Primorskya State Agricultural Academy, and Moscow Zoo uncover how distemper may be affecting Siberian tigers.
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Research identifies eight factors that can alert managers to the threat of overfishing in otherwise healthy looking reefs NEW YORK (September 28, 2011)—Coral reefs that have lots of corals and appear healthy may, in fact, be heading toward collapse, according to a study published by the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups. Using data from coral reef systems across the western Indian Ocean, an international team of researchers identified how overfishing creates a serie...
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A new study identifies a better way to determine if coral ecosystems are in danger of collapse.
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Premium Stamps Will Benefit Wildlife Protection for Tigers, Elephants and More at No Cost to American Taxpayers Stamps May Be Purchased at Post Offices Nationwide,   WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 20, 2011) – A new U.S. postage stamp, the Save Vanishing Species stamp, was issued today by the U.S. Postal Service. The stamp, featuring an illustration of a tiger cub, supports efforts to save species like elephants, tigers, and great apes.Save Vanishin...
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The Save Vanishing Species postage stamps will benefit wildlife protection for tigers, elephants, great apes, and more at no cost to the American taxpayer.
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Scientists, conservation practitioners, decision and policymakers meet in Suva, Fiji to address environmental challenges brought on by climate change.
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And the Winner is…“Wattson” View video of the eel at: Brooklyn, N.Y. – Sept. 12, 2011- The new electric eel at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium has a new name – Wattson – thanks to the hundreds of New Yorkers who submitted names online.   The online contest at generated more than 1,500 name submissions for the new eel. Among the names suggested by the public were Tra-volt-a and Sparky. But it was Wattson that wa...
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