News Releases

Belmont BID to host pasta feast at Mario’s Restaurant to support 4th Annual 5k and Family Fun Run at WCS’s Bronx Zoo Runners, walkers, and ALL pasta lovers welcomeRunners, walkers, and wildlife supporters can load-up on carbs before the run or just enjoy specialty pastas Presented by Con Edison: WCS Run for the Wild 2012 is dedicated to saving lionsPasta for the Planet: Friday, April 27, 2012, 3:00–9:00 p.m.WCS Run for the Wild: Saturday, April 28, 2012Visit for tickets...
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Plans are first steps to manage and conserve Ethiopia’s large carnivores Action plans released at press conference in Ethiopia NEW YORK (April 19, 2012) – Three of Ethiopia’s large carnivores – the cheetah, wild dog, and lion – received much-needed action plans today to address future conservation of these imperiled predators, which are increasingly threatened by development and human-related activities.The plans, endorsed by Dr. Kifle, Director General of the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation A...
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Media Note: The full NTCA protocols are available at: Protocol will make India world leader in big cat monitoring, say scientists Research by WCS’s Ullas Karanth plays pivotal role in new protocol NEW YORK (April 19, 2012) – In a move welcomed widely by the conservation and scientific community, India’s National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has adopted new refined protocols for intensive annual monitoring of tiger sourc...
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WCS commends Russian government for creating new park to safeguard leopards and Amur (Siberian) tigers 1,000 square-mile park is located in Russian Far East Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat NEW YORK (April 13, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society commends the Russian government for creating a new national park to protect critically endangered Amur (Siberian) tigers and the world’s rarest big cat: the Far Eastern leopard. Called “Land of the Leopard” National P...
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A new 1,000 square-mile park will safeguard leopards and Siberian tigers in Russia. Far Eastern leopards are considered the world’s rarest big cat.
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Australian Walkabout on Discovery Trail features dingoes, emus, and other native Australian species Exhibit opening celebrated with Australian songs Brooklyn, NY – April 12, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo debuted a new exhibit today – Australian dingoes – a new species for the zoo and a perfect addition to the zoo’s Australian Walkabout on the Discovery Trail. These are the first dingoes in a New York City zoo in 40 years. The dingoes, two males and two females, w...
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"Chile está bendecida con algunos de los paisajes terrestres y marítimos más hermosos del mundo y los líderes de este país están desarrollando medidas importantes para proteger estos tesoros naturales". Dr. Steven Sanderson, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de WCS SANTIAGO, CHILE, Chile (11 de abril de 2012) – Wildlife Conservation Society y el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Chile han acordado en tratar conjuntamente una variedad de asuntos de conservación que afectan las ...
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"Chile is blessed with some of the world's most beautiful land and seascapes and this country's leadership is taking important steps to protect these natural treasures." Dr. Steven Sanderson, WCS President and CEO SANTIAGO, CHILE, Chile (April 11, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society and the Government of Chile's Ministry of the Environment have agreed to work in cooperation on a range of conservation issues affecting the nation's lands, seas and wetlands.On Tuesday, April 10, WCS repr...
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WCS recently began breeding four endangered turtle species, including the golden coin turtle, at its wildlife parks in New York City. Eventually, the plan is to reintroduce some species to the wild and develop assurance colonies for others. WCS conservationists are also working in the turtles’ native habitats to protect their wild kin.
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Efforts include breeding at zoos combined with intensive field conservation work WCS will take direct responsibility for the continued survival of at least half of the 25 most endangered species of turtles and tortoisesWCS working with Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA), Turtle Conservancy (TC), and the Asian Turtle Program (ATP) in global effort NEW YORK (April 11, 2012) – The Wildlife Conservation Society announced today a new strategy that draws on all of th...
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