News Releases

Night Stalker: Rare camera trap images show leopard making kill in India’s Bhadra Tiger reserve
NEW YORK (APRIL 13, 2016) –WCS (Wildlife conservation Society) released a  stunning set of camera trap images recorded last week that show the dramatic end for a large Sambar deer (possibly weighing 200-300 kilos) taken down by the suffocating bite of a leopard.
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 Pronghorn Migration Interpretive Site Completed in Wyoming
BOZEMAN (April 11, 2016) Scientists with the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) announced the completion of an interpretive site celebrating the hard work of numerous partners that resulted in an outstanding conservation success and improved safety for motorists and wildlife—including pronghorn during their biennial migration.
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Laos, China and Viet Nam Enhance Cooperation to Combat Transnational Wildlife Trafficking Networks
April 7, 2016 – Frontline enforcement officers from key provinces, ports and border posts in Laos, China and Viet Nam completed an inter-agency field mission this week to share experiences, approaches and update the situation on wildlife smuggling networks along the major Indo-Burma trade route. 
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First Western Bat Found with Deadly White Nose Syndrome
April 5, 2016 — White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) has been confirmed in a little brown bat in Washington State – the first recorded occurrence of this deadly fungal disease in western North America. The presence of this disease was verified by the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Centre.
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HOME AGAIN: WCS and Blackfeet Nation Partner to Bring Buffalo Back to Their Original Homeland
April 5, 2016 – The Blackfeet Nation,  Elk Island National Park in Alberta, Canada (Elk Island), the Oakland Zoo and WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) announced today that 88 plains bison have been transferred from Elk Island to the reservation of the Blackfeet Nation near Browning, Montana. 
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WCS: Private Sector Must Be a Part of the Wildlife Trafficking Solution
WCS took part in a Public Forum of the U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Alliance, which brings private sector companies together to fight wildlife trafficking. 
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New Report Documents Shocking Collapse of Gorilla Subspecies During 20 Years of Civil Unrest
April 4, 2016 – A shocking new report by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Fauna & Flora International documents a catastrophic collapse of the world’s largest great ape– the Grauer’s gorilla – due to a combination of illegal hunting around mining sites and settlements, prior civil unrest, and habitat loss.
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Malayan Tiger Cubs at the Bronx Zoo

The importance of the birth of two Malayan tiger cubs at the Bronx Zoo was featured on a segment on the Today Show on Sunday, 4 April. There are fewer than 70 Malayan tigers in Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) zoos and about 40 in other zoos around the world, and there are only about 250 of these critically endangered tigers left in the wild. The cubs will debut to the public at the Bronx Zoo later this summer. We will keep you posted.  

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WCS-Managed Grant Program To Fund Wildlife Adaptations for Climate Change
March 31, 2016 –  A grant program managed by the Wildlife Conservation Society is exploring new methods for helping wildlife in the United States to adapt to rapidly shifting environmental conditions brought about by climate change.
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Wildlife markets in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) illegally trade in high volumes of protected species and animals that can host dangerous pathogens, reports a new study from an international team of leading wildlife health professionals.

This Lao PDR trade, which endangers the region’s biodiversity, has the potential to be a serious human health threat globally.
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