The National Assembly of Nicaragua has recently passed legislation declaring Corn Islands a new Marine Protected Area (MPA) under the category “Seascape and Landscape Protected Area.”
Two WCS-supported Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) – Cuba’s Parque Nacional Jardines de la Reina (Gardens of the Queen) and Kisite Mpunguti Marine National Park in Kenya – have been designated as Blue Parks, a prestigious recognition for their global importance, as well as the exceptional quality of the science-based conservation and management standards in place to protect them.
A new, widespread study of the global state of marine coral reef wilderness by WCS, NGS, and university collaborators found that remote ocean wilderness areas are sustaining fish populations much better than some of the world’s best marine reserves.
A new study finds that that some large whale species (humpback, fin and minke whales) use the waters off New York and New Jersey as a supplemental feeding area feasting on two different types of prey species.
Using drones and artificial intelligence to monitor large colonies of seabirds can be as effective as traditional on-the-ground methods, while reducing costs, labor and the risk of human error, a new study finds.
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