Views: 2916 | September 01, 2011
In the southwest of Madagascar, traditional Vezo fishermen opportunistically hunt coastal dolphins for local consumption and sale of meat. Interviews of fishermen from the village of Anakao conducted sug- gest that over 6,000 dolphins were slaughtered be- tween 1985 and 2000, 57% of this occurring after
1995. Since 2007, community outreach work has
been implemented to address this issue. In Septem- ber and October 2011, a series of consultations were conducted successively in the municipalities of Ana- kao, Soalara South and St. Augustin, followed by a Dina (local convention) validation workshop for all three municipalities. The Dina consists of 34 articles concerning the protection of whales and dolphins and the regulation of the observation of these animals.
This Dina was unanimously approved by all communities in these three municipalities and en- dorsed by local authorities.