News Releases

Photo Credit: Julie Larsen Maher © Wildlife Conservation Society Video Credit: Luke Groskin © Wildlife Conservation Society Last chance to see the animals recieve holiday treats at WCS's Prospect Park Zoo Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 25 - 26 See video: New York, Dec. 20, 2010- North American river otters Ogie and Dixie rip into their gift to find a special treat inside.   Residents of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Prospect Park Zoo have...
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First singing groups face-off on Saturday, Dec. 18 Nine New York City high school singing groups compete to win a $2,500 grant and the chance to perform at Hard Rock Cafe New York in Times Square Celebrity judges announced for finals: Run DMC’s Darryl McDaniels and a member of Green Day’s Broadway musical American Idiot New York, N.Y. – December 16, 2010 – This weekend marks the start of competition in the Wildlife Conservation...
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Institute of Museum and Library Services supports WCS Distance Learning Expeditions program Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) and Rep. George Miller (D-CA) led fight for reauthorization NEW YORK (December 15, 2010) – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) applauded the reauthorization of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which funds cultural and educational institutions including zoos and aquariums. At WCS’s Bronx Zoo, IMLS grants funds to the Dist...
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Media Availability: North American Program Director Jodi Hilty and Greater Yellowstone Wolverine Program Director Robert InmanElusive carnivore, the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” in the age of climate change NEW YORK  (December 15, 2010) – In response to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) listing decision regarding wolverines under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) wolverine experts Jodi Hilty and Robert Inman are available to ...
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Adoption of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism will help spur further action to conserve world's forests WCS: Much more work to be done in Durban NEW YORK (December 14, 2010) – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) climate policy experts praised the agreement reached at the United Nations climate change talks in Cancún, Mex...
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Despite its low profile, the musk ox has persisted through the Pleistocene exinctions, outlasting the woolly mammoth and other prehistoric mammals. WCS Senior Scientist Joel Berger studies America’s least known large mammal and its unusual survival tactics.

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500,000 gallons, swimming with sharks, sea turtles, rays,and thousands of schooling fishAn iconic element of the aquarium’s 10-year transformation“Ocean Wonders: Shark will inspire New Yorkers to celebrate the city’s maritime heritage and attract more visitors and business to Brooklyn’s oceanfront.” Groundbreaking: 2012 Brooklyn, New York – Dec. 14, 2010 – The Wildlife Conservation Society has received approval from the New York City Public Design Commission for Ocean Wonders: S...
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Come 2015, Coney Island beachgoers will come ashore to connect with sharks, skates, rays and other fish. The New York Aquarium’s newest exhibit will bring people to the sea, and the sea life to the people.
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For a quarter century, the WCS Wildlife Health Center has provided healthcare for all animals within WCS’s New York City parks and served as headquarters for our wildlife health work in countries across the globe.
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Already facing the threat of habitat loss, our planet's largest land mammals are being slaughtered by poachers in greater and greater numbers. In this moving video, WCS's Dr. Liz Bennett explains why wild elephant families are so vulnerable, and how we can help them survive.
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