News Releases

NEW YORK (December 4, 2013) -- The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced that the WCS China program has won the prestigious 2013 Ford Green Pioneer Award. Ford Green Motor Company foundation annually presents 10 environmental awards in support of outstanding environmental initiatives from both NGOs and individuals in China. This year, the WCS team led by Liu Peiqi received the award for its work restoring the habitat of Amur tigers and Amur leopards in northeast China.Liu Peiqi, and his ...
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The miniature zebu is one of the oldest and smallest breeds of cattle Brooklyn, N.Y. – Dec. 4, 2013 - The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo is home to two new miniature zebus (Bos taurus indicus).The zebu is one of the oldest breeds of cattle, believed to have originated in southern India around 6,000 years ago. The two zebus at the Prospect Park Zoo are both less than a year old and are a male/female pair. Both have small horns on top of their heads, which is signature of the br...
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The world's largest tropical desert, the Sahara, has recently suffered a catastrophic collapse of wildlife populations. Four species of large mammals are already extinct. Dr. Sarah Durant explains the urgency behind conserving the desert's remaining biodiversity.
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Conservationists warn of looming extinctions of desert wildlife including cheetahs and gazelles Four species of large mammals are already extinct from the Sahara NEW YORK (December 3, 2013) – A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society and Zoological Society or London warns that the world’s largest tropical desert, the Sahara, has suffered a catastrophic collapse of its wildlife populations. The study by more than 40 authors representing 28 scientific organizations assessed 14 desert s...
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GENTING, MALAYSIA (December 3, 2013) -- The Malaysian National Elephant Conservation Action Plan was unveiled on November 27th.The plan provides a focused conservation strategy that lays out specific actions for the next 10 years (2013¬-2022) with the overall goal of securing viable and ecologically functional elephant populations in Peninsular Malaysia for the next century and beyond. It was developed over an 18-month period involving focused group discussions, a major stakeholder workshop, and...
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Bronx, New York, (Nov. 26, 2013) -- The following statement was issued today by Dr. John Robinson, Executive Vice President of Global Conservation Programs at the Wildlife Conservation Society: "The Wildlife Conservation Society extends appreciation to The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge for convening today at the Zoological Society of London a pivotal meeting in the globe's efforts to stop wildlife trafficking."It was an honor for our team, represented by Dr. Sue Lieberman, WCS E...
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Brooklyn, N.Y. – November 26, 2013 -- ATTACHED PHOTO: Just days before Thanksgiving, Franklin the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) happily struts at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo, where he lives with several female companions. The wild turkey is an American bird, originally brought to Europe in the early 16th century by Spanish conquistadors. The species was transported to England and throughout northern Europe. The English then brought the domestic turkeys back with them w...
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Most detailed assessment of bonobo across range conducted by University of Georgia, University of Maryland, WCS, and other conservation groups NEW YORK (November 26, 2013)—The most detailed range-wide assessment of the bonobo (formerly known as the pygmy chimpanzee) ever conducted has revealed that this poorly known and endangered great ape is quickly losing space in a world with growing human populations. The loss of usable habitat is attributed to both forest fragmentation and poaching, accord...
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30-50 Amur leopards remain in the wild WCS provides technical and financial support for project Watch the video from Forestry Bureau of Jilin Province here >> NEW YORK (November, 26, 2013) — The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) confirmed today that camera traps in the Wangqing Nature Reserve in northeast China recorded footage of a female Amur leopard with two cubs, marking the first record of breeding by this critically-endangered cat in China. The cameras, located some 30 km (18 mil...
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Happy Thanksgiving from the Wildlife Conservation Society...and our many furry, scaly, splashy, snowy, wild representatives across the globe.
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