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Melvin Gumal, Director of WCS Malaysia program, has been nominated as one of the eight finalists for the Whitley Award, also known as the Green Oscar. 
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Scouts join more than 140 organizations seeking global moratorium on ivory Scouts will launch a letter-writing campaign and volunteer at the upcoming WCS Run for the Wild on April 26 at the Bronx ZooCampaign URL: NEW YORK (April 14, 2014) – The Boy Scouts of America Greater New York Council has joined more than 140 other groups as partners of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s recently launched 96 Elephants Campaign – an effort focused on securing moratoria on all ivory sale...
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New York, (April 11, 2014) -- Melvin Gumal, Director of the WCS-Malaysia Programme since 2003, has been named one of eight finalists for this year's Whitley Awards. This prestigious international prize honors exceptional individuals working in grassroots nature conservation in the world's developing countries, and who often face humanitarian, environmental and political challenges in the projects they undertake. The prize, awarded by The Whitley Fund for Nature (@WhitleyAwards ) is called the Gr...
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WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 10, 2014) – Today, Wildlife Conservation Society Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and 96 Elephants Director John Calvelli testified before the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment & Related Agencies to describe the need for continued U.S. government investment in international conservation programs within the FY15 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Calvelli called for increases in funding for US Fish a...
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John Calvelli, WCS Executive Director of Public Affairs, discusses how zoos and aquariums are increasingly working to educate visitors about global conservation challenges.
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Yearling and adult muskoxen staring back at Dr. Joel Berger on Wrangel Island in the Russian Arctic.
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SARANAC LAKE (April 10, 2014) – A new study from the Wildlife Conservation Society finds that several iconic Adirondack birds are in trouble, with declines driven by the size of their wetland habitats, how connected these wetlands are to one another, and how near they are to human infrastructure.The Adirondack Park represents the southern range extent for several species of boreal forest birds in eastern North America. Like any species at the edge of its range, they face challenges in this env...
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Dr. Joel Berger of WCS and the University of Montana taking part in a landmark U.S.–Russian bilateral conservation expedition on Wrangel Island off the coast of northeastern Siberia Berger and his Russian colleagues braving wind-chills down to –70°F to gather information on the impacts of climate change on the Arctic’s largest land mammal—the muskoxen(April 9, 2014) — Dr. Joel Berger, Senior Scientist with the Wildlife Conservation Society’s North America Program and John J. Craighead Chair in ...
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Members of the media are invited to tour the new exhibit Interactive exhibit is “bigger and badder” – featuring more than 30 life-size animatronic dinosaurs, including nine new species for 2014 Dinosaur Safari: Mysteries Revealed is powered by ChevroletMedia Preview:Saturday, April 12 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.Media Arrival: 10 a.m. Bronx, NY – April 8, 2014 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo is inviting media to preview this summer’s newest attraction – Dinosaur Safari: Mysteries Reveal...
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