News Releases

"By passing this legislation our New York State lawmakers will show global leadership to stop the serious crime killing off Africa's elephants and rhinos and sparking security issues across the world‎.” New York, June 17, 2014 -- The Wildlife Conservation Society applauds New York State lawmakers for their agreement on a bill to stop the illegal ivory and rhino horn trade and encourages Albany to take the final legislative steps to pass the ban. WCS President and CEO Cristiàn Samper, wh...
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"As a global community, we must conduct a blitz against wildlife trafficking now or in our lifetime such majestic species as elephants could go extinct in large parts of their range." New York, June 16, 2014 – Wildlife Conservation Society President and CEO Cristiàn Samper has issued a statement in strong support of recommendations to implement the U.S. National Strategy for Combatting Wildlife Trafficking submitted this week to the Presidential Task Force co-chaired by Secretaries John ...
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In a new study, researchers show that wild yak mothers are found on higher ground than their male counterparts. The scientists expect this is an adaptive way to avoid predators and to access more nutritious food.
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New Study Says Females use more mountainous terrain than males NEW YORK (June 16, 2014) – A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society says that in wild yak societies, it’s the mothers that are the real climbers. The study found that mothers with young are on steeper terrain and slightly higher elevation than either males or females without young. The authors of the study expect that this strategy is an adaptive way to avoid predators and to access more nutritious food. Wild ya...
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Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, and Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney, urge the New York State Senate to pass the ban on the purchase or sale of ivory.
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WCS Trustee Diane Christensen, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton Honored At Wildlife Conservation Society’s Annual GalaNEW YORK – June 12, 2014 – The Wildlife Conservation Society honored tonight Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton, and WCS Trustee Diane Christensen for their commitments to saving elephants and protecting wildlife and wild places.Held at the WCS Cen...
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WCS honored Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and WCS Trustee Diane Christensen, at its annual gala on Thursday, June 12.
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New York, June 12, 2014 -- The Wildlife Conservation Society welcomed the historic vote in the New York State Assembly on Wednesday aimed at banning the purchasing and sale of elephant ivory and rhino horn. The New York State Assembly passed legislation amending the state’s environmental law to ban ivory sales with only a few exceptions for antiques with small amounts of ivory, and transfers for educational and scientific purposes or through the distribution of estates. The New York State Senate...
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An Elephant’s Tale: The Matriarch tells the story of a single elephant, but provides powerful testimony to the experience of the species as a whole at this crucial moment in its existence. Together, we must work to ensure that we are not remembered as the generation that let elephants disappear.

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National Bison Legacy Act Led by Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) Bill Recognizes the Cultural, Economic, Historical and Ecological Contributions of America’s Largest Land Mammal Washington, D.C. – June 11, 2014 – The Vote Bison Coalition today applauded the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Senate to officially recognize bison as the National Mammal of the United States. The bill, titled the National Bison Legacy Act, was introduced by Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Sen. J...
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