News Releases

WCS President and CEO Cristian Samper believes “zoos and aquariums play a key role in shaping the future of our planet.”
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Orlando, Florida, Sept. 15, 2014 – The following statement was issued today by Wildlife Conservation Society President and CEO Cristián Samper from the 2014 AZA Annual Conference: “We applaud the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), in partnership with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), for launching a global design challenge on how to use the ivory from the U.S. ivory crush. “The six-ton U.S. ivory crush in November sparked ivory destruction events by nations across the glo...
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Wildlife Conservation Society commends President for acknowledging community efforts New York (September 11, 2014)— Guatemala’s President Otto Perez Molina recently congratulated the community members of Uaxactún, a village in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, for their contributions in conserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. On September 5th, the president traveled to village of Uaxactún to thank its residents in person. The visit repre...
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In India’s human dominated landscapes, the number one prey for leopards is man’s best friend NEW YORK (September 11, 2014) – A new study led by the Wildlife Conservation Society reveals that in India’s human dominated agricultural landscapes, where leopards prowl at night, it’s not livestock that’s primarily on the menu – it is man’s best friend. The study, which looked at scat samples for leopards in India’s Ahmednagar’s district in Maharashtra, found that 87 percent of their diet was made up o...
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House and Senate Reauthorize the Save Vanishing Species Stamp, Which Expired in 2013, for Four More Years Stamp Raised More Than $2.5 Million for Conservation Since 2011 at No Taxpayer Expense WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 8, 2014) – After expiring at the end of 2013, a Senate bill to reauthorize a wildlife postage stamp passed the House today, clearing the way for it to be signed into law. The bill ensures that the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF) Semipostal Stamp, also known as t...
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On a recent trip to Mozambique’s Niassa National Reserve, WCS Presdient and CEO Cristián Samper and Alastair Nelson, WCS Mozambique Country Director, traveled by helicopter to bear witness to an elephant that had been killed just hours earlier. Unfortunately this is not unusual for the area, but the Mozambique government and WCS are integrating resources and staff to protect Niassa's elephants.
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Free family workshop about animals and nature Sundays, Nov. 2014 through April 2015Brooklyn, N.Y. – Sept. 9, 2014 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Prospect Park Zoo will hold Nature Playtime workshops on Sundays, Nov. 2014 through April 2015, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. These weekly workshops will be outside the zoo’s native plant garden and are designed to help families explore nature through play. Activities include making nature-inspired art, insect observation, playing with snow, and more....
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Studies appear in special issue of Waterbirds Biodiversity Research Institute’s (BRI’s) Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation and the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS’s) Adirondack Program announced today that three new articles summarizing research on Adirondack loons have been published in a special issue of the journal Waterbirds that is dedicated to loon research and conservation in North America. “We are pleased to have our loon research in the Adirondack Park included in this...
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Safe, family-friendly activities include: Jack O ‘Lantern Illumination – Creatures of the Night walkthrough experience; 3-D Pumpkin Carving Demos and Displays, Broadway Cast Member Appearances; Costume Parade, Music, Magic, Crafts, and MORE Boo at the Zoo festivities run FIVE weekends beginning Saturday, Oct 4 and include Columbus Day and HalloweenOct. 4-5, 11-13, 18-19, 25-26, 31, and Nov. 1-2New York – Sept. 8, 2014 – Boo at the Zoo: Dragons and Dinosaurs is returning to the Wildlife Conservat...
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Group Suspected of Killing 39 Elephants This Year Alone Early Morning Raid Results in Capture of Poaching Ring and Confiscation of Ivory and Guns Wildlife Conservation Society Praises Joint Operation Marrupa, Mozambique, Sept. 8, 2014 – A significant arrest of six suspected poachers took place here on Sept. 7 in a joint operation conducted by the Mecula District police, Luwire scouts and Niassa National Reserve WCS scouts. The arrests resulted after a 10-month investigation informed by vi...
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