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Western Amazon


Amazon Countries Pledge Greater Cooperation in Addressing Environmental and Human Rights Issues

Leaders of the Amazon countries meeting in Brazil this week released the “Belem Declaration,” promising greater regional integration.

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WCS Builds Aerial Wildlife Crossing to Protect Endangered Primates on a Highway that Cuts through the Brazilian Amazon

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has built a “canopy bridge” in the Amazon designed specifically to allow endangered and vulnerable primates and other tree-dwelling wildlife to safely cross a highway and reduce collisions with vehicles.

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La Paz, Bolivia Wins “City Nature Challenge” for Second Consecutive Year Counting 5,300 Species in its Greater Metro Area

For the second year in a row, La Paz, Bolivia won the City Nature Challenge, a global event where people photograph biodiversity in and around cities across the globe.

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STUDY: WCS Investigations of Online Trade in Jaguar Parts Show Threat is Widespread
Researchers with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) published the results of an international investigation finding that online trade of jaguar parts are openly detectable on multiple online platforms, representing an emerging and serious threat to jaguar populations across the range of this Latin American wildlife icon. The results have been published in PLOS One as well as being summarized in a brief publication available in Chinese, English, Spanish, and Portuguese...
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VIDEO: WCS Scientists Document World’s Largest Hatching of Baby Turtles (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released incredible video footage showing hundreds of thousands of baby giant South American river turtles (Podocnemis expansa) recently emerging from nesting beaches along the Guaporé/Inténez River along the border of Brazil and Bolivia.

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Study: Over 330 Fish Species – up to 35 New to Science – Found in Bolivian National Park (English and Spanish)

The number of fish species recorded in Madidi National Park and Natural Integrated Management Area (PNANMI), Bolivia has doubled to a staggering 333 species – with as many as 35 species new to science – according of a study conducted as part of the Identidad Madidi expedition led by the Wildlife Conservation Society.

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News from CITES CoP19: Parties Take Steps to Secure Protection for More than 160 South and Central America Glass Frogs

A CITES CoP19 committee has agreed by consensus to provide international commercial trade protections for all glass frogs, the family Centrolenidae, by listing them in in Appendix II. Final adoption in CITES Plenary is expected by end of week.

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News from CITES CoP19: Parties Take Steps to Secure Protection for South America’s Matamata Turtles

CITES CoP19 Parties agreed by consensus to a proposal to protect both matamata turtle species, Chelus fimbriata and Chelus orinocensis, whose populations are threatened as the turtles are prized by the pet trade. Final adoption in Plenary is expected by end of week.

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News from CITES CoP19: WCS Investigations of Online Trade in Jaguar Parts Show Threat is Widespread

Researchers with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced the results of an international investigation finding that online trade of jaguar parts are openly detectable on multiple online platforms, representing an emerging and serious threat to jaguar populations across the range of this Latin American wildlife icon.

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Coffee with the Giant South American River Turtle (English, Portuguese, and Spanish)

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will livestream on Sept. 27, 28, and 29th (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) a great wonder of nature, from a river along the border between Brazil and Bolivia as thousands of giant South American river turtles (Podocnemis expansa) gather on sandbanks to lay hundreds of thousands of eggs.

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