News Releases

Climate Change

 August 21, 2015 - WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) congratulates WCS scientists Joel Berger, P. Dee Boersma, and Tim Davenport for being nominated for the 2016 Indianapolis Prize— the world's leading award for animal conservation.


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During the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) unveiled a comparative analysis of the top major threats facing natural World Heritage sites around the globe.
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June 12, 2015 – The following text is excerpted from remarks delivered on June 11 by WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper and WCS Board Chair Ward W. Woods at the 2015 WCS Annual Gala, Turning Tides, at the Central Park Zoo.

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New Climate Stress Index Model Challenges Doomsday Forecasts for World’s Coral Reefs

June 1, 2015—Recent forecasts on the impacts of climate change on the world’s coral reefs—especially ones generated from oceanic surface temperature data gathered by satellites—paint a grim picture for the future of the “rainforests of the sea.” A newer and more complex model incorporating data from both environmental factors and field observations of coral responses to stress provides a better forecasting tool than the more widely used models and a more positive future for coral reefs, according to a new study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups.


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Government of Bolivia & Wildlife Conservation Society Announce Biodiversity Expedition in Madidi National Park
May 22, 2015—The Government of Bolivia, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and a number of Bolivian research and conservation organizations announced today (the International Day for Biological Diversity) the launching of a new scientific expedition, Identidad Madidi, into the heart of Madidi National Park—the most biodiverse protected area in the world—in an effort to describe still unknown species and to showcase the wonders of Bolivia’s extraordinary natural heritage at home and abroad.
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Australian Little Penguins Debut at WCS’s Bronx Zoo

Bronx, NY – May 20, 2015 – A colony of little penguins (Eudyptula minorhas made its debut in the Aquatic Bird House at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo. Named for their small size and characteristic bluish hue, little penguins are also known as blue penguins, little blue penguins, and fairy penguins. Full-grown adults are only about 13 inches tall and weigh 2 to 3 pounds. They are the smallest of the 18 penguin species and native to coastal southern Australia and New Zealand.

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Conservationists “On the Fence” About Barriers to Protect Wildlife in Drylands
May 6, 2015 - To fence or not to fence? That is the question facing conservationists concerned with barriers that keep wildlife in and people out.  
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April 8--Recipe for Saving Coral Reefs: Add More Fish
Fish are the key ingredients in a new recipe to diagnose and restore degraded coral reef ecosystems, according to scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science, WCS, James Cook University, and other organizations in a new study in the journal Nature.
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March 12 -- New in Journal Science: A Guidebook for Ecosystem Services
A team of investors, development organizations, conservationists, economists, and ecologists have published in the journalScience six natural science principles to ensure success of Payments for Ecosystem Services, mechanisms that have helped preserve carbon stocks stored in Madagascar’s rainforests, maintain wildlife populations important for tourism in Tanzania, and protect watersheds in France by working with local farmers. 
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March 4th -- Wild Yaks: Shaggy Barometers of Climate Change

A new study led by WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), University of Montana, Qinghai Forestry Bureau, Keke Xili National Nature Reserve, and other groups finds that climate change and past hunting in the remote Tibetan Plateau is forcing female wild yaks onto steeper and steeper terrain.

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