News Releases


Nearly 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins are alive and swimming in Bangladesh NEW YORK (April 1, 2009) -- The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today the discovery of a huge population of rare dolphins in South Asia—but warns that the population is threatened by climate change and fishing nets. Using rigorous scientific techniques, WCS researchers estimate that nearly 6,000 Irrawaddy dolphins, which are related to orcas or killer whales, were found living in freshwater regions of Bangladesh’...
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A quarter-century of data reveals how changing weather patterns and land use, combined with overfishing and pollution, are taking a heavy toll on penguin numbers. NEW YORK (Embargoed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for release 9:30 a.m. EST Friday, Feb. 13, 2009) – A combination of changing weather patterns, overfishing, pollution, and other factors have conspired to drive penguin populations into a precipitous decline, according to long-term research funded by the Wi...
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With support from WCS, Argentina declares a new coastal marine park to protect half a million penguins, cormorants, oystercatchers, and other rare seabirds.
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Wildlife-Rich Burdwood Bank is Now Protected NEW YORK (October 9, 2008) – The Wildlife Conservation Society announced today that the government of Argentina has recently banned commercial fishing along an 1,800 square kilometer (694 square mile) submerged island rich in species found no where else on earth and an important feeding ground for sea lions, penguins, albatross and other marine life. The area, known as Burdwood Bank, lies 220 km (136 miles) off the Southern Argentine Coast. Burdwood i...
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