News Releases


WCS recently began breeding four endangered turtle species, including the golden coin turtle, at its wildlife parks in New York City. Eventually, the plan is to reintroduce some species to the wild and develop assurance colonies for others. WCS conservationists are also working in the turtles’ native habitats to protect their wild kin.
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Said Dr. Steve Zack: “We strongly feel that Alternative B, which categorizes areas critical for wildlife as unavailable for oil and gas leasing, balances energy development and wildlife protection in a landscape rich in both resources.” NEW YORK, NY, MARCH 30, 2012—The Wildlife Conservation Society has issued a statement in response to the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management’s draft Integrated Activity Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (IAP/EIS) for the National Petrole...
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The New York Times interviews WCS's Dr. Rachel Graham about her work in the Gulf and the Caribbean to create a constituency for the protection of a magnificent—and often misunderstood—ocean giant: the shark.
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NEW YORK (March 23, 2012)—A protected coral reef in Fiji briefly opened for an intensive five-week fishing season was largely depleted of its fish populations and has been slow to recover, according to a study by the Wildlife Conservation Society.In the first study of its kind, conservationists with WCS’s Marine Program examined the environmental impact of an intensive fishing event—conducted by three villages in 2008 to pay for both school and church fees and provincial levies—on a formerly pro...
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When local fishers in Kia Island opened a protected coral reef to fishing for a short-term community fundraising effort, the effects of the harvest bore long-term consequences for the reef's health.
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Addition of bats to the exhibit demonstrates their important role in the ecosystem Known as “flying foxes,” Indian fruit bats are among the largest species of bat in the world To help protect them in the wild, WCS Works across the range of Indian fruit bats in Cambodia and Malaysia NEW YORK – March 22, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo has added high-flyers to JungleWorld – 21 giant Indian fruit bats. Indian fruit bats are commonly known as greater Indian flying foxes because...
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Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) Recognized as “Champion of the Forests” World Forestry Day Commemorates the Importance and Benefits of Forests WASHINGTON (March 22, 2012) – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Executive Vice President of Public Affairs John F. Calvelli advocated for greater protection of the world’s forests by funding the U.S. Forest Service Office of International Programs (FSIP) during testimony before the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee. In a celebration of World Fores...
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Scientists and government officials from across the world come to India’s Nagarahole National Park to learn how tiger champion and WCS Senior Scientist Ullas Karanth has reversed the tide for this big cat on the brink.
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MONDULKURI PROVINCE, CAMBODIA (March, 20, 2012) A vulnerable ethic minority village inside Cambodia’s remote Seima Protection Forest today became one of the first in Cambodia to receive a collective land title, which will help villagers fend off threats to their land and culture while also strengthening conservation goals.The Senior Minister for Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, H.E. Im Chhun Lim, visited the ethnically Bunong village of Andoung Kraloeng village to mark this hist...
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Brooklyn, N.Y. – March 19, 2012 – The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium has added beautiful weedy scorpion fish to its collection of exotic marine animals in the Explore the Shore exhibit.Scorpion fish are a colorful species native to the Indo-Pacific. Seen here in bright orange, scorpion fish can be found in a wide range of colors, including green, lavender, blue, and many more.The scorpion fish is one of the most venomous fish. It uses its venomous dorsal spines to protect agai...
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