
Entries for March 2020

Where did COVID-19 Come From?

Views: 2413
Where did COVID-19 Come From?
(March 12, 2020) In order to prevent the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases, we need to halt the illegal poaching and trafficking of wild animals and ban live animal markets that trade wildlife. While protecting public health, these actions will also address a major driver of species extinction.Did Coronavirus Come From Bats?  "Bats have a unique adaptation of their immune system," WCS's Dr. Christian Walzer says in this video, "which allows them to harbor viruses without these viruses causing a...


Happy World Wildlife Day!

Views: 1478
Happy World Wildlife Day!
(March 03, 2020) As the world focuses on the zoonotic COVID-19 outbreak, we are highlighting  The Berlin Principles; an urgent call to governments, academia, and civil society that all sectors need to break down barriers to ensure a united effort to prevent the emergence or resurgence of diseases that threaten humans, wildlife, and livestock.The Berlin Principles were developed and issued at the "One Planet, One Health, One Future" conference organized by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the ...


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