
Entries for December 2017

Translocation of Burmese Star Tortoise eggs from the assurance colony to natural sites in Minzontaung Wildlife Sanctuary and preparations for a large release of captive-reared Burmese Star Tortoises

Views: 5230
(December 22, 2017) In December, the WCS/TSA Turtle Team was occupied with two major conservation projects. The first project involved the translocation of Burmese Star Tortoise eggs from the assurance colony to natural sites in Minzontaung Wildlife Sanctuary. Although egg translocation is a technique widely used in sea turtle conservation, to our knowledge this is the first application of this strategy to tortoise conservation. Translocating eggs is relatively straightforward; freshly deposited clutches are excava...


Releasing crocodile in the wild

Views: 7217
(December 13, 2017) Saltwater Crocodile or Estuarin Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) was kept in mini-Zoo for long time in Dawei since juvenile. This mini-Zoo is not suitable to keep any other animals and illegal facilities. Forest Department has been taken action since 2011 and force to shut down but some people are still visiting and 200kyat per person for entrance fees. This crocodile is about 10feet long. Forest Department and WCS Myanmar team are working together to release this crocodile near Bokepyin Township...


WCS training and review at Rakhine Yoma Elephant Reserve (RYER)

Views: 4907
(December 07, 2017) Main aims of this field trip were to join the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Reserve (RYER) warden in inspecting the patrol elephant team and the upgraded guard post on the Kyeintalie stream. The visit provided an opportunity to provide refresher training for existing staff and basic training for the new community guards. The park warden supervised improvements including new water management and installation of solar panels, radio and antenna mast to make the guard-post more effective. There was then a g...


Recent births of claves to two patrol elephants

Views: 3801
(December 07, 2017) Main aims of this field trip were to join the Rakhine Yoma Elephant Reserve (RYER) warden in inspecting the patrol elephant team and the upgraded guard post on the Kyeintalie stream. The visit provided an opportunity to provide refresher training for existing staff and basic training for the new community guards. Training with patrol teams at Kyeigarkhon Guard-post for 4 days starting form 1st - 4th December. Before the training, on 30th Nov, the team visited, with RYER warden, U San Win, to Kya...


Building Capacities for Marine Spatial Planning in Myanmar

Views: 4750
Building Capacities for Marine Spatial Planning in Myanmar
(December 06, 2017) During November 27 – December 1, WCS initiated training on marine spatial planning to 20 representatives of Myanmar’s inter-agency National Coastal Resource Management Committee (NCRMC). In collaboration with trainers from the GIZ-supported Blue Solutions Initiative, the training workshop introduced participants to key blue planning concepts through case studies, presentations, discussions, and participatory exercises. Co-hosted by the Department of Fisheries and Forest Department, p...