Martin Callow
Regional Director for Southeast Asia Archipelago Region
Martin is the Regional Director for the Southeast Asian Archipelago Program. He grew up in the UK, and graduated from the University of Plymouth in 1996 after studying environmental and marine sciences. Martin’s early career saw him working for the UK's Natural Environment Research Council studying ocean productivity, and for Posford Haskoning conducting marine Environmental Impact Assessments. He has lived and worked in the Seychelles (for the Royal Geographical Society), coordinating a multi-year marine research, education and training program focused on coral reefs and marine protected areas. He joined WCS in 2008, when he helped to lead a transformation of the Fiji program, focused on community-based marine and coastal management. More latterly, Martin has served as the WCS Europe Senior Programme Advisor assisting the establishment of WCS’s presence in Europe, while supporting WCS marine fisheries efforts specifically in Gabon and Belize. His expertise has also been instrumental in supporting the development of WCS's global sharks and rays strategy. He has brokered relationships with private sector companies headquartered in the UK/Europe, and developed relationships with the fisheries investment community. Martin completed his Executive MBA at the University of Bath (2015). He has led the development of the inaugural WCS Myanmar Marine Program, and most recently spent two years as the CEO of the Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) - a globally unique conservation trust fund, whereby innovative financing structures have helped unlock marine and coastal conservation funds from a sovereign debt restructuring and a sovereign blue bond.
Saw Htun
Country Program Director
Saw Htun served as Forest Range Officer in Forest Department from 1994 to 1999 after receiving his BSc (Forestry) in 1993. He completed his MSc in Environmental Management and Development at Australian National University, Australia in 2002, and then he joined WCS Myanmar Program. In WCS, he has been mainly involved in biological surveys, socioeconomic surveys, management planning, and monitoring on interventions and threats as a Coordinator in the Northern Forest Complex. In addition, he has contributed to monitoring on tiger and its prey under Tigers Forever Program. He is a member of Species Specialist Group for Asiatic Black Bear and Sun Bear of IUCN since 2005. He also participated in Asia Primate Redlisting Workshop in Cambodia in 2006 and Regional Planning Workshop for Wild Cattle Conservation in Vietnam in 2008. His main publication is "Saw Htun, 2006. 'The Status and Conservation of Bears in Myanmar' in K. Yamazaki (ed.), The 17th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Japan Bear Network, Karuizawa, Japan. He also received Post Graduate Diploma in International Wildlife Conservation Practices at WildCRU, Oxford University in 2010.
Annie Chit
Project Manager
Nant San San Htay (Annie) completed her B.Sc. degree in Zoology at the Yangon University in 1997. After graduating she joined the Myanmar representative office of Edward Hulten AB as a secretary till 1999. While working there she continued her studies eventually graduating with a Diploma in Accounting from the London Chamber of Commerce Industry. After her second graduation she joined Woodland Group Company as an accountant from 2000 to 2003, where she handled all aspects of the company budget account. Annie continued to nurture her knowledge by enrolling in a Master of Communication and Information Studies at the Assumption University of Bangkok, which she completed in only two semesters. During her stay in Thailand she worked for Enlighten Technology as an accountant. After returning back to Myanmar in 2006, she joined the Wildlife Conservation Society as an accountant. Now she is working as Program Manager, and plays a major role in ensuring an enabling, smooth, productive and cheerful work environment for all the staff in the WCS Myanmar country program.
Kyaw Moe
Project Officer
Kyaw Moe earned a Master's degree in Environmental Science at Mandalay University in 2004, and specialized in turtles and tortoises. His dissertation covered the feeding ecology of Myanmar Flat shelled turtle (Lissemys scuttata). After graduating he Joined WCS to research and implement conservation measures for the critically endangered Bataguar trivittata (Myanmar Roofed turtle) from 2005 to 2013 at upper Chindwin river in the north-west of Myanmar. Meanwhile, he also performed an assessment of land tortoises in central Myanmar. More recently, Kyaw Moe is working as Coordinator and Liaison with park wardens of the Forest department for law enforcement and nature reserve monitoring activities. His responsibilities focus on Conservation and Biological Monitoring programs at the Htamanthi wildlife Sanctuary.
Kyaw Thinn Latt
Deputy Country Program Director
Kyaw Thinn Latt received his B.Sc. in Forestry from the Institute of Forestry in 1994, and his MBA from Yangon Institute of Economics, Myanmar in 2011. He also received a diploma in RS/GIS from Yangon University in 2004. He has been working for WCS since 2000, mainly involved in participatory landuse planning in village level for community based livelihoods and conservation in forest landscape with multi stakeholder engagement. He used to support decision makers with geo-spatial analysis such as land cover change detection for habitat monitoring, forest biomass and carbon estimation, construction of geo database for environmental conservation in Myanmar. After he completed his first degree, he worked as assistant forester for Samling Company in Seima, Cambodia where its concession area became protected area with the support of WCS. He worked as Township Liaison Officer in UNDP/FAO project in Southern Shan State, Myanmar before joining WCS. At WCS he worked first as Database manager and GIS Analyst for national tiger survey project, eventually becoming Landscape Coordinator of the South Forest Complex.
Myint Myint Oo
Technical Coordinator (Education & Outreach)
Myint Myint Oo graduated in Zoology at the Yangon Arts and Science University. Before joining WCS she accumulated 20 years of experience at the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division of the Myanmar Forestry Department. During this time she worked as park Ranger, managed the Environmental Education Center, and worked as warden of the Wetland Sanctuary. She is the only woman who has ever been appointed as a warden by the Myanmar Forestry Department. Her continued studies and research allowed her to attended the Wildlife Management Training Course and Interpretation Training Course in the United States. She also had the chance to attend the Bird Race & Red Data Book Workshop in Malaysia, and Capacity Building of Wetland Managers Workshop in Thailand. She was also selected to attend the first Wildlife Management Training Course provided by WCS in Alungdaw Kathapa National Park. After getting those opportunities she involved in National Tiger Survey Team as a Part time Tiger Interview Surveyor. Currently she is working as Technical Coordinator for Community and Natural Resources Management at the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Myo Min Win
Project Manager (Upper Chindwin Turtle Conservation)
Myo Min Win (Phoe Nge) received his B.Sc in Physics at the Dagon University in 2006. After graduating he worked in the business sector as supervisor until late 2011. After resigning he worked in the Lampi Marine National Park as a Field assistant manager with Istituo OIKOS for one year. In 2013 he earned the Himalaya Mountaineering Diploma at the National Outdoor Leadership School, India branch. He is particularly passionate in mountaineering, rock climbing, and cycling, having covered thousands kilometers around Myanmar since 2005. In 2015, Myo Min Win joined the WCS, where he is Project Manager of the Upper Chindwin Turtle Conservation project.
Naing Lin
Site Coordinator
Naing Lin Work as Site Coordiantor for WCS Myanmar
Rob Tizard
Senior Technical Advisor
Robert Tizard is the Technical Advisor to the WCS Myanmar Program. He was born in Canada and grew up in Texas. He graduated from Texas A&M University in 1994 after studying geography and wildlife management. Within weeks of graduation he moved to Laos where he lived for over 10 years. During this period he has worked on birds, bats, tigers, elephants, ecotourism, protected areas and community land and natural resource issues. He has worked with the Wildlife Conservation Society on-and-off in Lao PDR, North Korea and Myanmar. In 2006 Rob moved to Myanmar where he currently works as the Technical Advisor to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Myanmar Program. Much of his work focuses on land and natural resources issues with local communities especially with marginalized forest communities and increasingly with ethnic armies such as the Kachin and Karen as they work to end years of conflict.
Saw Htoo Tha Po
Senior Technical Coordinator
Saw Htoo Thar Po completed his Bechalor in Veterinary Science from the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science in Yangon in 1979. He worked as a Veterinarian at Yangon Zoological Gardens since 1980 taking responsibility for zoo animal management and veterinary care for years. Afterwards he was transferred to Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division under the Forest Department and worked as a Vets especially responsible for capturing Wild Animals and relocating them into the Hlawga Wildlife Park. In 1985 he was transferred to Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park situated in North West of Myanmar. He was one of the pioneers involved in the establishment of the first Myanmar National Park. In 1989 he was transferred back to Hlawga Wildlife Park as Cheif Veterinarian for supervising management and medical care for zoo animals . He was then transferred back to Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park as a Deputy Warden in 1994, and later Park Warden, working there for several years. He resigned from the Forest Department in 1997. During those years he conducted several surveys on Tigers and Large Mammals in Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Sagaing Division, and Hlwegyi Area as a freelance biologist. He joined WCS Myanmar in 1999. Since then, he implemented the three-year National Tiger Survey as a Co-Leader in collaboration with Forestry Department of Myanmar for developing National Tiger Action Plan. He has also led the Tiger conservation and Tiger surveys in Hukaung Valley as Tiger Coordinator since 2002. He is now supervising Biological Monitoring in Hukaung Tiger Reserve in Northern Myanmar.