Karimunjawa National Park

Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) is a conservation area designated in 2001. Situated 201 km off Semarang coast, the park consists of 22 islands, 110.117,30 ha of waters area and 1.507,70 ha of land, with a combined total area of 111.625 ha. The park is home to 509 reef fish species, 76 hard coral genus, nine seagrass species, three sea turtle species as well as 45 different mangroves and their associated species. This national park is essential for the natives as important fishery resources and a critical habitat for key fish species in Karimunjawa and Java Sea in general.


KNP management unit is currently facing challenges of increasing pressure against aquatic resources due to high demands from tourists; lack of tourism management inside KNP area; limited knowledge and skills on sustainable tourism; and lack of awareness of responsible tourism among tourists and tourism operators.


Having supported KNP for over ten years, WCS-IP’s activity in Karimunjawa started with ecological studies in 2002 and 2003. We support the management unit in developing database on coral reef ecology, socioeconomic, community compliance, and aquatic resources in this national park. The data and information are essential for the national park authority, local governments, and other key stakeholders in formulating policy and management plan, and served as a strong reference for consultancy process between parties in the national park’s rezoning process in 2005 and 2012.