
WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (June 2021)

Views: 6172
WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (June 2021)
(July 09, 2021)   Counter Wildlife Trafficking Newsletter June 2021   Wildlife Trade Trivia     In Focus In this section, we feature achievements by law enforcement officers we engage with. Any story featured here is done so with permission from the officer who reported it.        Along with detecting Illegal Wildlife Trade at India's borders, the Sashatra Seema Bal (SSB), is entrusted with a wide range of activities to secure...


वाघोबावरील अभ्यासावर प्रसिद्धीपत्रक वारली अणि त्यांचा वाघोबा

Views: 2865
वाघोबावरील अभ्यासावर प्रसिद्धीपत्रक वारली अणि त्यांचा वाघोबा
(June 25, 2021) भाषांतर: परीक्षित सूर्यवंशीजगभरातील अनेक मानवी समाजांत मानव-वन्यजीव सह-अस्तित्त्वाला मोठा इतिहास आहे. भूप्रदेश आणि नैसर्गिक संसाधनांच्या एकत्रित वापरातून त्यांच्यात एक गुंतागुंतीचे, मजबूत आणि दीर्घकालीन असे नाते निर्माण झाले आहे. महाराष्ट्राच्या वारली या आदीवासी समुदायात हे नाते वाघोबा या व्याघ्र देवाच्या रूपाने प्रकटले आहे. वाघ आणि बिबट्या अशा दोघांचे रूप असलेल्या वाघोबाची पूजा ही मुख्यत्वे या दोन मोठ्या मार्जारवर्गीय प्राण्यांपासून संरक्षणासाठी केली जाते. “शेअरिंग स्पॅसेस अँड एंटेंगलमेंट...


Posted in: From WCS-India

The Warli and their Waghoba

Views: 3884
The Warli and their Waghoba
(June 25, 2021) Long histories of sharing space and resources have built complex, robust, and enduring relationships between humans and wildlife in many communities across the world. Among the Indigenous Warli of Maharashtra, such relationships manifest in the institution of Waghoba, the big cat deity. A form of both, the tiger and leopard, Waghoba is worshipped primarily for protection from these big cats. Researchers documented 150 shrines dedicated to Waghoba in their study titled "Sharing Spaces and Entangl...


Posted in: From WCS-India

Make every word tell: Dr. Shankar Raman

Views: 2974
Make every word tell: Dr. Shankar Raman
(June 24, 2021)   When the first slide of a presentation says, ‘A few highly opinionated tips for much better writing’, you know it is a talk you want to listen to attentively.       Earlier this week, we were delighted to have Dr. T. R. Shankar Raman from the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF) with us for a guest talk on writing. This was organised for all our project staff to help them with popular writing or scientific publications.     ...


Posted in: From WCS-India

In Memory of Sathish Joshi

Views: 2357
In Memory of Sathish Joshi
(June 14, 2021) It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of a valued colleague, Mr. Sathish Joshi. He was our Administration Manager and his presence will be greatly missed. He was always cheerful, curious and willing to help anyway he could. He was a true joy to work with and we will never forget the warmth his smile brought to the office each and every day. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this time.


Posted in: From WCS-India

WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (May 2021)

Views: 5577
WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (May 2021)
(June 10, 2021) Counter Wildlife Trafficking Newsletter May 2021     In Focus       Adding on to the list of initiatives taken towards wildlife conservation, the state of Arunachal Pradesh has started the "Air Gun Surrender Abhiyan" initiative, where local communities are asked to surrender their air guns used for hunting, in exchange for other benefits.      The objective behind this initiative is to create awareness w...


In Memory of Parigi Vedavyas

Views: 2249
In Memory of Parigi Vedavyas
(May 29, 2021) It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of a valued colleague, Mr. Parigi Vedavyasa. He was an important part of the Finance team and will be greatly missed. He was a true joy to work with and we will never forget the warmth his smile brought to the office each and every day. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this time.


Posted in: From WCS-India

Country Director Announcement

Views: 4117
Country Director Announcement
(May 28, 2021) We are delighted to announce Dr. Vidya Athreya as our new Country Director. She has had a long, productive career in wildlife science and conservation, using a collaborative approach towards resolving human-wildlife conflicts while working in close partnership with the Forest Departments, NGOs, NGIs as well as other conservation partners such as the media. Dr. Athreya has been with Wildlife Conservation Society-India Program since 2013 and her team’s research has been published in a variet...


Posted in: From WCS-India

WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (April 2021)

Views: 5285
WCS-India: CWT Newsletter (April 2021)
(May 05, 2021) Counter Wildlife Trafficking Newsletter April 2021         News Scan (1-30 April)       Odisha: Leopard skin seized, two arrested in Khordha | 3 April 2021   A Crime Branch Special Task Force (STF) arrested two persons for illegal possession of leopard skin in Bolagarh during a raid conducted in Khordha district of Odisha. Read more   Teak wood seized in Rayagada | 3 April 2021   ...


Webinar for lawyers: Legal documentation for wildlife crime cases

Views: 2524
(May 03, 2021) We all know that India is a mega-diverse nation that witnesses rampant illegal wildlife trade. Over the past few years, we at WCS-India have worked closely with forest departments and other agencies that are trying to curb this menace. These agencies benefit greatly from legal advice and guidance given to them by lawyers like you!Our legal team is hosting a webinar, the second in its series, exploring the nuances of legal documentation under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. If you want to l...


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