Less Than 150 Great Indian Bustards And 700 Lesser Floricans Remain: Report | Deccan Herald

There are less than 150 Great Indian Bustards (GIB) and less than 700 lesser floricans left in the wild. According to The Corbett Foundation, India needs to take urgent measures to prevent the extinction of these endemic bustards. Bustards need agro-pastoral landscapes and grassland ecosystems for their survival. The TCF explained in its annual report that deaths could only be prevented if upcoming power lines pass underground. Bird flight diverters should be installed on those passing over critical habitats.
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Albinism in wild dog documented at Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary | The Hindu

In what could be termed as a first for dholes, a partial albino has been photo-documented in Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, making it the first-ever record of albinism in them from its entire distribution in 11 countries. There are also remote chances that it could be an inter-breed between a domestic dog and dholes, which can only be ascertained through DNA testing. This individual has also been observed previously by the Forest Department, before being captured on a camera trap.
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Conservation reserve tag for Dare Khurd in MH | Times of India

Dare Khurd, a lush green hill in Satara, has been declared a conservation reserve by the MH government. The hill is famously home to many species of butterflies and is especially rich in ones belonging to the Lepidopterans family. There has been an ongoing demand to declare this hill as a conservation reserve, and the move will go a long way in conserving the biodiversity here.
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Alien plants growing together threatening tiger habitats: Study | Down to Earth

A new research paper has found that multiple alien invasive plants growing together are affecting soil nutrients, which may have depleted the richness of diverse plants and reduced native forage. Native wild herbivores like chital and sambhar did not prefer the commonly found plants in invaded areas. They preferred rare forage plants, which were already depleted in infested areas. There was hardly any regeneration of important plants like amla or the most common tree — the sal. This is making the future of these tiger ecosystems highly vulnerable.
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Supreme Court Allows Purse Seine Fishing Beyond TN Territorial Waters With Conditions | Live Law

The Supreme Court recently passed an order allowing purse-seine fishing beyond the territorial waters of Tamil Nadu but within the Exclusive Economic Zone and with a range of conditions regulating vessel movement. The bench will hear the matter for deeper consideration of the issue later. Justice Bopanna has remarked that the decision was made with consideration to the interests of all parties.
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Honey bee 'boxes' to ward off wild elephants in MP | India Today

In an attempt to prevent incidents of human-elephant conflict, the Madhya Pradesh government has decided to advise people to install bee boxes on their farms. Since elephants have a natural aversion to being stung on their trunk or eyes, it has been known to be an effective tool to ward off the pachyderms. Officials explained that this might not only protect crops and property but can also act as a supplement to the livelihood of the local communities here.
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