WCS-India Marine Program participated in a multi-stakeholder Dugong Conservation Workshop organized jointly with the Thanjavur Forest Department, OMCAR (Organization for Marine Conservation, Awareness and Research) Foundation, and Wildlife Institute of India on the 15th of September 2022. The workshop focused on discussing the next steps in the management of the recently notified Dugong Conservation Reserve in Palk Bay, Tamil Nadu.

About 70 participants from the Tamil Nadu State Forest Department, State Fisheries Department, Wildlife Institute of India, faculties, and students from Annamalai University, Alagappa University, Bharathidasan University, and Adirampattinam College, Thanjavur attended the event. Our Marine Programme team, represented by Dr. Aaron Lobo and Dr. Anant Pande gave an overview of our work across the Indian coastline and interacted on topics ranging from seagrass habitat management and marine megafauna conservation to fisheries management.