Kerala: Herpetofaunal survey finds capital wildlife division as a biodiversity hotspot | The Hindu

Thiruvananthapuram's first-ever herpetofaunal survey has recorded 67 amphibian and 80 reptile species, including many vulnerable, endangered and near-threatened ones. Organised jointly by the Forest Department and Aranyakam Nature Foundation, the survey was conducted by volunteers from various institutions. The survey also recorded many species that were endemic to the Western Ghats.
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Drones, thermal cameras track animal movement to reduce conflict with humans in MH's Gadchiroli | Mongabay India

The return of tigers and an elephant herd's migration has increased negative human-wildlife interactions in Gadchiroli in MH. The forest department is testing technology such as drones and thermal cameras to alert villagers during the risk of wildlife encounters. Following initial results, the FD plans to expand the use of tech. Experts warn that caution is essential as the tools can sometimes be counterproductive.
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Tenders for AI-based solution to prevent elephant deaths to be finalised soon: T.N. Forests Secretary | The Hindu

Supriya Sahu, Additional Chief Secretary, Environment, Climate Change and Forests, explained that the Tamil Nadu Forest Department would focus on modernising conservation efforts and adopting technology. Specifically, she shared that the government has received good responses for tenders it floated, which will focus on developing AI-based solutions to prevent elephant deaths due to speeding trains.
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Wildlife week: Focus on aquatic, critically endangered species at Dudhwa & Pilibhit tiger reserves | Times of India

As a part of the Wildlife Week celebrations, the PCCF of UP shared that emphasis will be laid on the conservation and rescue of aquatic and endangered wildlife at the Pilibhit and Dudhwa tiger reserves. WCS-India's TSA Programme also conducted a workshop for the forest personnel and other NGOs at Dudhwa on aquatic wildlife conservation and rescue management, focusing on dolphin conservation.
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Tamil Nadu coral reefs in chokehold of exotic seaweed | The New Indian Express

The exotic seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii has been increasingly threatening Mannar Marine National Park's coral reefs and Palk Bay's seagrass beds. The Kappaphycus forms a thick, gelatinous mat within coral branches, creating a strong invasion. Environmentalists express that despite the ecological concern, high industrial demand drives its cultivation for its role in producing a polymer called Carrageenan.
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Chimpanzees and gorillas can form lasting relationships |

Drawing from decades of primate observation, a new study has found evidence of long-lasting social relationships between chimpanzees and gorillas in the wild. The novel research took individuals into account and highlighted how these apes could recognise and collaborate with individuals of other species. These relationships also come with benefits such as better foraging options, protection and other social benefits.
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