Soil conservation efforts prove a boon for spotted deer in Kawal reserve

In Kawal Tiger Reserve, the population of spotted deer, chinkaras, blue bulls and other wildlife has multiplied, owing to improved habitat management and monitoring. According to forest officials, soil and moisture conservation methods and effective grassland management have majorly contributed to the retention of natural habitat in and around the reserve.
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Govt sanctions 13 projects on geo-mapping, wetland conservation

In the 44th Executive Committee meeting of the National Mission for Clean Ganga, 13 projects involving geo-mapping and wetland conservation, among others, were sanctioned. Three projects for the scientific geo-mapping of Ganga and its tributaries were also approved, including the 'Fluvial Geomorphology mapping of Hindon River Basin', which aims to rejuvenate river tributaries.
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An elusive lizard thought to live only in India makes an appearance in Nepal

In a recent expedition, the Sikkim grass lizard was discovered in Nepal - nearly 100 kilometres away from its previously known range in Sikkim. In 2021, the IUCN Red List classified this species as endangered because of its limited distribution and threats to its habitat from agriculture and a hydropower dam. "The discovery should inspire research into Nepal's understudied herpetofauna", say researchers.
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Lioness dies after touching electric fence at Gujarat farm; two held

Farmers around the Jasadhar Forest range protect their crops from Nilgai and other wildlife using electric fences. In a recent incident, a live wire came in contact with the fence, making it deadlier. The forest department explained that a lioness came in contact with the fence and died due to an electric shock. Two have been arrested in connection to this incident under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
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In West Bengal, marine strandings of endangered horseshoe crabs are increasing

On the Purba Medinipur coast of West Bengal, marine strandings, particularly those of horseshoe crabs, are rising. A community-level network involving fishers and researchers is trying to save these endangered crabs. Previously, fishers would disentangle and throw away these crabs. The network now encourages fishers to document and release horseshoe crabs into the water whenever caught.
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