On 05th November, WCS-India conducted an online training on ‘Countering Wildlife Trafficking’ for 35 DCFs, ACFs and RFOs of the Goa Forest Department, on the topics of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, search, seizure and arrest protocols, and applications of wildlife forensics in crime scene investigation. To take these sessions we had with us, Mr. Praveen Bhargav, Managing Trustee, Wildlife First; Dr. S. P. Goyal, Scientist-G, WII and Ms. Pradipty Bhardwaj, Legal Trainer, WCS-India. The webinar received positive feedback with the officers finding the sessions very useful.

The webinar began with a welcome address by Mr. Subhash Chandra, PCCF, Goa Forest Department and Mr. Santosh Kumar, APCCF, Goa Forest Department.

Mr. Praveen Bhargav explained the key provisions under Wildlife Protection act and highlighted the powers and procedures provided under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. Ms. Pradipty Bhardwaj, Legal Trainer, walked the participants through the documentation required to file a wildlife offence case.

Dr. S. P Goyal, Scientist-G, WII explained various methods to distinguish real and fake wildlife products and discussed the steps to be taken care of while sending wildlife samples for forensic examination.