Wildlife Conservation Society-India, in collaboration with Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism & Earth Journalism Network, organized the ‘Investigative Wildlife Trafficking & Conservation Reporting’ Webinar on August 20th (3:00-4:30PM), targeted towards regional environmental journalists working in India and Southeast Asia.

Webinar Details:- Date | Time: August 20, 2020 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM
- Organizers: Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism, Earth Journalism Network (EJN), Wildlife Conservation Society-India

Sim Kok Eng Amy, Project Manager, Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) providing an introduction to Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism, Wildlife Conservation Society-India and, the two speakers of the webinar: Sadiq Naqvi (Investigative Journalist, India) and Marius Daea (Investigative Journalist, Romania).

Aristo Mendis, Analyst Lead, Counter Wildlife Trafficking Program, Wildlife Conservation Society-India, giving an overview of the CWT Program to the participants of the webinar, and about the role of media in providing context and extent of wildlife trafficking in India.

Roxanne Joseph, #WildEye Asia Project Manager at Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism, providing insight on using data journalism tools such as #Wildeye towards deterring wildlife trafficking.

Sadiq Naqvi, Investigative Journalist, describing his experience in reporting rhino trafficking in the northeast region of India, and how regional journalists can formulate their story focusing on wildlife trafficking syndicates.
(Reference: https://oxpeckers.org/2020/08/indias-rhino-poaching-syndicates/)

Marius Daea, Investigative Journalist, describing his experience in reporting wildlife trafficking stories in Romania, and how he compiled data from multiple sources towards building his investigative story on wildlife trafficking syndicates.

(Reference: https://oxpeckers.org/2020/07/data-investigation-in-eastern-europe/; https://oxpeckers.org/2019/10/caviar-crime-and-corruption/)