Jayanand Derekar being falicitated
Joida: WCS - India staff Jayanand Derekar was felicitated for his PhD and overall achievement on Teacher's Day event at Kunbi Bhavan, Joida. The programme was organised by the Department of Public Education, Zilla Panchayat Uttara Kannada district, and Block Education Office Joida Taluk Joida.
Mr P. V. Desai, retired headmaster, Govt Sri Ram High school Joida, did the honours. Mr. Sanjaykumar Kambale,Tahasildar Joida, Mr P.S.Hiremath BO Joida, Mr Abdul Rehaman Block Coordinator, Mrs Shaila Naik GP Joida President, Mrs Alkanza Manthero TP member Joida, Mr Sham Pokale Vice president GP Joida, Mr Tikaram Manjrekar BJP president Joida taluka, Mr Rafique Khaki, President Vysparastara Sangha Joida, and Shakuntala Hiregowda, Dayanand Gavada, Chandrakant Desai, Santa Manthero, Subhash Gavada, President, Kannada Sahitya Parishat in Joida, and all the presidents of the various school teachers' association participated.
Mr Desai spoke about Jayanand Derekar and lauded him for his work and achievement.