First survey on Golden Jackal in Mumbai Metropolitan Region initiated | Deccan Herald

The Mangrove and Marine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation & WCS-India will conduct a novel scientific study in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). The study will document the presence of golden jackals and other small carnivores in mangrove habitats using sign surveys and camera traps, understand the jackals’ diet and study interactions between jackals, domestic dogs and humans. Nikit Surve from WCS-India will lead this project along with Dr. Devcharan Jathanna.
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Study finds 385 fishing cats in Sunderbans Tiger Reserve | Telegraph India

A camera trap study in the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve revealed a population of 385 fishing cats in the area. The fishing cat, West Bengal’s state animal, is included in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, meaning it is supposed to receive the highest conservation measures as are given to tigers and elephants. The study will be significant in future conservation efforts as well as a likely reassessment of the ‘vulnerable’ status given by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
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Gangetic dolphins return, spawn abundant hope in Varanasi village | Hindustan Times

Sightings of Gangetic dolphins at Dhakwa village in Varanasi sparks hope for conservationists. The endangered species saw a drastic population decline due to river pollution, plastic, and entanglement in gillnets. Researchers from the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) have been making efforts to stop fishermen from using gillnets and changing the habits of the local communities in order to reduce the stress of pollution in the water. The latest census has shown more than 50 dolphins in the area, an increase from around 30 reported in 2021.
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Indian scientists receive international award on behalf of snow leopard conservation alliance | Down to Earth

Indian snow leopard experts Charudutt Mishra and Koustubh Sharma, along with Chyngyz Kochorov of Kyrgyzstan, received the Worldwide Biodiversity Conservation Award on behalf of the Global Snow Leopard Ecosystem Protection Program (GSLEP). The GSLEP is a first-of-its-kind intergovernmental alliance of 12 countries dedicated to the conservation of snow leopards. The award was granted by the Madrid-based BBVA Foundation Awards for Biodiversity Conservation.
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Wildlife trade summit ends with increased protections for South Asian species | The Third Pole

The 19th Conference of Parties (CoP19) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) held in Panama has concluded with a suite of new protections for South Asian species. Major regulations on the international trade in shark fins have been implemented for the first time. India’s proposals for stricter protection of the endemic Jeypore Indian gecko, red-crowned roof turtle, and Leith’s softshell turtle have been accepted, meaning international trade of the gecko will require permits and the trade of the two turtle species is banned.
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Forest management tool could help rein in rampant wildlife trade in Bangladesh | Mongabay

Bangladesh has implemented a Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) to help combat wildlife trafficking. The tool was previously used in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, where it resulted in a significant drop in illegal logging and poaching. SMART makes it possible to collect and analyse data on illegal activities, biodiversity, patrol routes, and management actions to understand where efforts should be focussed.
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