
Richard Malonga
Congo Country Director
Richard started working for WCS Congo in 1995 as a volunteer research assistant. He helped with the study of the ecology of Bongo antelope in Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. He was part of the team which initiated the Partnership between WCS, a forestry company (CIB) and the Government of Congo to extend conservation actions to the periphery of the Park. Richard completed his MSc in Conservation Biology at the University of Minnesota and a BSc in Tropical Forest Management at the Marien Ngouabi University. Richard was appointed Director of the Plateau Bateke Landscape Project, then Director of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park. Since 2019, Richard is the WCS Congo Country Director.
Salifou Ousmane Bagnan
Chief of Party to USAID/DRC
Salifou holds a Master's degree in Agro-pastoralism, specializing in land use planning, management and rural development strategy, which allows him to easily grasp the different aspects of development in rural areas. He has professional experience in action research and development, entrepreneurial agriculture, market development and value chain development. In 2022, he became a project manager for USAID, leading the Poultry Sector Development and Income Diversification Project in Northern Congo. This position allows him to fully leverage his experience in developing private-public partnerships as well as his expertise in social and commercial marketing.
Alain Ondzie
Project Manager - Wildlife Health Program
Alain studied veterinary medicine in Cuba. Livestock handling, treatment, diagnosis and biological sample collection were part of his curriculum. He worked at the veterinary diagnostic laboratory in Santa Clara, Cuba, then at the veterinary clinic of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Brazzaville, Congo. Dr. Ondzie was later the veterinarian in charge of meat inspection at the central slaughterhouse in Brazzaville, Congo before joining WCS in 2004 as a veterinary doctor. Today he coordinates WCS Congo’s Wildlife Health Program.
Ben Evans
Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park Director
Ben has been working in wildlife conservation in the Congo Basin since 2015. A conservation practitioner with experience in wildlife monitoring, community-based management and protected area management, he serves as the Director of Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park's Management Unit as part of the Nouabalé-Ndoki Foundation, a partnership between WCS and the Ministry of Forestry Economy. He is driven to make sure conservation works for and with people, particularly concerning natural resources and cultural use of landscapes.
Fortune Calixte Iyenguet
PROGEPP Principal Technical Advisor
Fortuné has been working with WCS Congo for the last 22 years, 10 of which as Head of the Ecological Monitoring department in the Lac Télé Community Reserve. He then was appointed SMART National Coordinator. He held this position for 7 years during which he provided training to all SMART focal points in Congo, supported the development of the national SMART base and the implementation of SMART Connect. Fortuné is now Principal Technical Advisor for PROGEPP (the Project for Ecosystem Management of the Park Periphery) as well as the Technical Assistant for Surveillance and Bio-monitoring.
Jean Robert Onononga
Senior Advisor - Wildlife Crime and Policy
For more than a decade, Jean Robert has dedicated his career to the conservation of Central African forest wildlife. After achieving his undergraduate degree from the Marien Ngouabi University in Brazzaville, he obtained his first conservation post in 1996 with IUCN in Conkouati Faunal Reserve where he was in charge of directing field teams to conduct wildlife inventories. In 1998, his responsibilities expanded to include environmental education. He then joined the Goualougo Triangle Apes Project (GTAP) in 2001, where he contributed to the long-term monitoring of apes until 2008. In 2009, he completed his MSc in Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, UK. He then served as a Project Manager of GTAP in the Rep of Congo from 2009 to 2011. In early 2012, Jean Robert was appointed The Principal Technical Adviser for the PROGEPP - PNNN.
Kany Lubango
Logistic Director
Kany has a strong background in Humanitarian Logistics, a field he began working in 2004 in his native DRC, before working in several conflict zones including Niger, Mali, Cameroon and Chad between 2015 and 2021. A Logistics Learning Alliance (LLA) certified logistician, Kany has worked for Acted, MSF, OXFAM, ALIMA and the French Red Cross before joining WCS in 2021. Kany holds a diploma in Humanitarian Logistics from Bioforce and has received training in humanitarian security management, project management, and is validated by the French Red Cross as a first aid trainer.
Ledia Bidounga
GIS Assistant
Ledia studied a bachelor’s degree in geography at the University of Brazzaville. She worked as a intern in the Center of Forest and Wildlife Inventory in the area of GIS, ArcGIS interpretation of satelite images, and monitoring of forest cover. For over three years, Ledia worked for a forestry company as a GIS expert and participated in the company’s management planning process, the commerce of woods, as well as monitoring logging operations and organizing cartography and GIS teams. In 2014, she joined WCS staff as a GIS expert and works in collaboration with WRI on forest surveillance and database management of the Congo’s forest atlas. Part of her job is to build the WCS database on wildlife, and to use GIS and remote sensing to help inform management decisions in our core sites.
Liliane Gashumba
Congo Program Director of Finance and Administration
Liliane has 19 years of experience as a Senior Manager in the Banking sector, inter-state institutions and projects in Rwanda. From 2018 to June 2021, she served as Finance Manager for Project San Francisco (PSF)/Center for Family Health Research (CFHR) of Emory University. From 2007 to 2018, she was the Deputy Executive Secretary in Charge of Finance, Administration and Socio-Cultural Affairs in the Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs-CEPGL), a regional organization with three countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
Morgane Cournarie
Congo Technical Director
Morgane is the WCS Congo Technical Director since 2020. Agronomist by training, she completed her MSc in Ecosystem Management and Tropical Forestry in 2015. She then worked for the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Laos, supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of projects related to agroecology. She also worked on ecosystem conservation through integrated landscape management in the Nam Kading National Protected Area. Morgane joined WCS in 2019 as Site Coordinator for the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) program in Makira Natural Park in northern Madagascar, a comprehensive program combining livelihoods activities, social marketing, ecological survey and institutional support.

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