
Strategic Priority 2: Ensuring Functional Connectivity

Mongolia's ecosystems face increasing fragmentation from threats such as mining and infrastructure development. Our priority is to ensure that wildlife can move freely across landscapes to access the resources they need. We work to mitigate the negative effects of railways, roads, fences, and other projects while developing strategies that allow future developments to support biodiversity.

Creating habitat connectivity is essential for the survival of wide-ranging species, such as the khulan (Equus hemionus hemionus), also known as the Mongolian wild ass. These animals require vast territories to find food and water, and maintaining connectivity is crucial for their survival. It also fosters their resilience against the ever-changing impacts of climate change and development pressures.

We focus on raising awareness about connectivity at all levels of decision-making. Our long-term scientific research aims to inform national and local policies that promote wildlife-friendly practices and improve corridors for migratory and nomadic species.

In collaboration with local partners—including pastoral communities—we aim to increase the number and effectiveness of corridors and safe passageways for species such as khulan, Mongolian gazelle, snow leopards, and migratory birds. We also emphasize the importance of enhancing the permeability of infrastructure projects to reduce barriers to wildlife movement.

Our Goals for 2030

  • Maintain the mobility at scale of key species such as khulan, Mongolian gazelle, snow leopards, and migratory birds.
  • Maintain and restore functional connectivity between priority habitats.

All our efforts aim to support Mongolia’s commitments under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS). 


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