
Strategic Priority 3: Adapting to a Changing Climate in Mongolia

Climate change is a pressing reality in Mongolia, with impacts that will persist even if global emissions stop. It is reshaping how we think about conservation. Mongolia faces significant challenges such as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and drought. Adapting to these changes and building resilience is crucial for the well-being of both our ecosystems and communities.

Our strategic priority is to enhance the resilience of Mongolia's ecosystems and the pastoral communities that depend on them. We believe in taking an integrated approach that considers the needs of people, wildlife, and the ecosystems that support them. This involves identifying critical areas and resources vital for adaptation, such as effective water management. Additionally, we are developing a research agenda to provide the insights needed to inform policy decisions effectively.

We recognize the importance of developing disaster preparedness and response systems to protect wildlife and their ecosystems during extreme weather events.

Collaboration is at the heart of our efforts. By working together with partners and communities, we aim to create a sustainable future in the face of climate change.

Our Goals for 2030

  • Better understand the impacts of climate change on Mongolia's biodiversity and ecosystems to inform policy decisions.
  • Build and enhance the adaptation of pastoral communities and ecosystems to climate change.


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