Nature-Culture Relationships

The urban Indian narrative around human-wildlife interactions has predominantly focused on the notion of conflict. However, across India and several other parts of the world, there is a growing understanding of the incredible capacity to coexist with a wide array of wildlife. We believe that social factors such as culture, experiences, and perceptions play a prominent role in creating and sustaining a social capacity for coexistence. 

Since these social factors vary greatly, especially in a country as diverse as India, we instituted a fellowship programme to understand complex human-wildlife interactions through the lens of culture and tradition. The fellows selected came from a social and natural sciences background and were each assigned to different projects that fit the programme's theme. 

As we gather more stories of such interactions, the programme's larger goal is to share them with a wider audience through a platform that encourages further engagement between the general public and experts from the field.



Navya R

Navya works as the Programme Manager for the "Celebrating Nature-Culture Relationships" programme at WCS-India. Her lifelong fascination with nature and wildlife led her to pursue a Master's degree in Biotechnology. While her academic background allowed her to appreciate nature at a microscopic level, her passion for wildlife inspired her to undertake projects in that field. Working on wildlife projects has taken Navya to diverse locations across the country, particularly areas where humans and wildlife coexist, providing her with a unique perspective. In her current role at WCS-India, she is dedicated to documenting positive interactions between humans and nature


Dolsy David

Dolsy is driven by a passion for understanding the positive interactions between people and wildlife, and she hopes to use this knowledge to improve human-wildlife relationships. With a Master's degree in Science, specialising in Biodiversity (Utilisation and Management) from Pune University, and through her experience in working in different landscapes throughout India, Dolsy brings expertise to the table. She aims to shift the focus to cohabitation.



Cover illustration: Aditi Rajan | Photos: Pavithran MM, Manish Machaiah, Shashank Dalvi