
Fighting Wildlife Crime with New Age Forensics

Views: 2534
Fighting Wildlife Crime with New Age Forensics
(August 20, 2019) Forensic science has fascinated many of us over the years. From television crime shows to movies, which portray our favourite actor in compelling storylines, investigating and weaving clues together to catch a criminal. Solving crime in real life can however be a strenuous process, with real victims involved. Applying scientific methods and knowledge to criminal investigations is what forensic science does, by incorporating different aspects of science. Forensic science has several sub divisions...


What the floods and landslides tell us

Views: 4013
What the floods and landslides tell us
(August 16, 2019) Climate change and habitat degradation are the prime reasons, and both point to human activity.Landslide in Munnar, Kerala 2018 ©eos.orgAlmost on the dot, exactly a year after the 2018 floods the rains poured down on Kerala causing havoc and claiming lives once again. Some new areas were affected catching residents by surprise, but some of those affected last year were battered again. This time around, lives have been lost mostly to landslides, which steamrolled mud and water on estate...


‘Spread the Word, Take Conservation to the Public’

Views: 1842
‘Spread the Word, Take Conservation to the Public’
(August 14, 2019) A holistic view of conservation that looks at a diversity of habitats and species is the focus of the Chief Wildlife Warden of Karnataka, Sanjai Mohan, IFS.Sanjai Mohan, IFS is the Chief Wildlife Warden and PCCF (Wildlife), Karnataka Working as a forest officer, often it calls for a combination of quick thinking and a binding belief in one’s duty to protect wildlife, when caught in a tough situation. So it was that the then ACF of Koppa, Sanjai Mohan had handed over charge on transfer...


The Worrying Future of India's Elephants

Views: 2597
The Worrying Future of India's Elephants
(August 12, 2019) By Kartick SatyanarayanWe are celebrating World Elephant Day today. However, the worrying aspect is only about 27,000 wild elephants remain in India, as opposed to a million a decade ago as indicated by research. There has been a 98 per cent nose dive in the wild elephant population.India is one of the 17 mega-diverse countries of the world. Being home to 7-8 per cent of the world’s recorded species, from top predators such as the Asiatic lions, Bengal tigers to large herbiv...


Minding Manas: A brief on Manas National Park

Views: 3081
Minding Manas: A brief on Manas National Park
(August 02, 2019) As I looked at my first Rhinoceros in the wild, overwhelmed with joy, I wondered if this one was born in Manas, or among those brought in from Kaziranga and Pobitora. Since the 1990’s when there were no Rhinos left in Manas, to 2019, with a stable population on the rise, the national park seems safe and sound for these species. The Indian Rhino Vision began Rhino translocation in Manas with 18 Rhinos in 2008 and 8 more were moved by the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation. ...


Seeing Beyond the Stripes and Roar

Views: 1979
Seeing Beyond the Stripes and Roar
(July 29, 2019) From the science of its ecology to the emotions it evokes, the tiger has captured the attention of most of us. On World Tiger Day, an ode to the national animal.Pondering recently on the fate of our national animal, the tiger - beaten by mobs, shot down to avert human deaths and knocked down by vehicles - I revisited Ang Lee’s film of Life of Pi, as also a novel Tigers in Red Weather by Ruth Padel. What did they tell me on International Tiger Day?Yann Martel’s Richard Parker is one o...


Beyond the Bugun liocichla: What the discovery of a bird means to me

Views: 3409
Beyond the Bugun liocichla: What the discovery of a bird means to me
(July 19, 2019) Ashwini Ramesh shares notes from her interactions and learning from physicist-cum-naturalist Ramana Athreya, credited with the discovery of a rare and critically endangered bird.“..and this is Planet Earth” echoed David Attenborough. I sat transfixed as I watched the beautiful male bird-of-paradise perform its mating dance ritual. In my eighteen years of education, I had never been exposed to ecology – not like this.In India, Ecology was conflated with Environmental Sciences. S...


Bats of Thar - Vital Cogs in the Ecosystem

Views: 2277
Bats of Thar - Vital Cogs in the Ecosystem
(July 09, 2019) Written by Gajendra Singh S“For as the eyes of bats are to the blaze of day, so is the reason in our soul to the things which are by nature most evident of all”- Aristotle Naked-rumped tomb bat (Taphozous nudiventris) roostingThar Desert is one of the most arid environments on earth. This region of rolling sand hills and home of the Great Indian Bustard’s, experiences seasons of sweltering heat, with the temperature rising up to 50oC in the summer months and biting cold wi...


Seeing the peace beyond the ‘conflict’: Changing the way we look at human wildlife interactions

Views: 2061
Seeing the peace beyond the ‘conflict’: Changing the way we look at human wildlife interactions
(July 03, 2019) MEET OUR STAFF: Dr. Vidya AthreyaHer work on leopard ecology has helped bring a new dimension to understanding human-wildlife conflict.Setting up a camera trapA woman in a male-dominated field of large cat biology, Dr Vidya Athreya, is the only one of her kind to be featured in a popular Indian film on wildlife ecology. The Marathi film ‘Ajoba’ is the only one made in the country where a real wild leopard is the protagonist. Vidya pays the leopard “the most adaptable of all cat...


Kudremukh voluntary relocation: Bank lends a helping hand

Views: 1317
Kudremukh voluntary relocation: Bank lends a helping hand
(June 25, 2019) The life of Yamuna and her son has been positively impacted thanks to the Karnataka BankWritten by Anisha IyerThe life Yamuna has lived has been nothing short of challenging. Her family has been residing for 15 years in theKerekatte Range of the Kudremukh National Park.Yamuna first moved into the national park after getting married to her husband, Sona. They had four children, two from Sona’s previous marriage and two of their own. Together they worked as unskilled labourers ( farm labor )...


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