
Foraging ranges in Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) on Isla Noir, Chile
Oehler, David A.;Marin, Manuel ;Kusch, Alejandro ;LaBruna, Danielle ;Weakley, Leonard A ;Fry, Roger
Interrnational Journal of Avian & Wildlife Biology
The foraging range during the breeding season and Austral winter period of Southern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes c. chrysocome, has been previously documented within colonies along the coast of Argentina and in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands. We examined annual movement patterns of Southern Rockhopper Penguins to better understand the utilization of their environment in southern Chile. 25 Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Isla Noir were equipped with global location sensors that logged light-levels, water immersion (wet/dry) and sea-surface temperatures (SST) providing daily position, water immersion, and environmental conditions. Five of the penguins were relocated on Isla Noir for data retrieval. Position data were converted into maps of kernel density estimates overlaid with average SST. Study penguins had greatest densities near the colony during the breeding season and dispersed to areas ranging from near the Falkland Islands to areas between 46°S to 57°S and 114°W to 97°W. The penguins utilized areas over the continental shelf during the breeding season and ranged to areas over the ocean basin during the Austral winter period, post-breeding season and molt. Coastal areas along the outer islands were used during the transitional periods between the breeding season and winter period. These data are important in defining the conservation management of the Southern Rockhopper Penguin in relation to fisheries-associated mortality and depletion of food sources.
activity patterns;at-sea distribution;Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome;foraging behavior;Geolocation;tracking;southern Rockhopper penguin

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